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Image by Alexandru Zdrobău

Discover Your Treatment plan

Our Services

Image by Andrey Zvyagintsev

Attractiveness and psychological well-being have long been linked. The human brain judges the attractiveness of a face in fractions of a second based on factors such as skin tone and texture, symmetry, and wrinkles.


Our facial characteristics can have a significant psychological impact on social interaction, self-esteem, job prospects, and even mate attraction and selection. Having healthy skin and tissues all contribute to a healthier you. Our priority is the total health of the facial skin and tissue, not simply the cosmetic. The art of beauty is supported by science.


Our perception, ideas, sentiments, and attitude towards our physical appearance all contribute to our body image. Current beliefs about body image have been altered as a result of our constant assault with visual stimuli from social media.



Medical management

Drug therapy


Weight Gain 

Botulinum toxin





Skin boosters

What We Offer


Nefertiti is a revered Egyptian goddess known for her sleek, slender youthful neck, which is a symbol of beauty and feminine authority. WHY? A powerful, sleek neckline conveys strength, youth, femininity, and prowess.


When addressing the face, the décolleté' is sometimes disregarded. Discord is created by the ageing appearance of fine lines, lacklustre skin, and hyperpigmentation.


Skin boosters

Drug therapy


Appropriate Home Care with Medical Grade Cosmeceuticals.

What We Offer

Beautiful hands are desired as a symbol of youth. Hands become old with fine wrinkles, poor skin tone, and hyperpigmentation as a result of sun exposure and the use of abrasive detergents or hand sanitisers. We can give you back the delicate, graceful hands of youth.



Hyaluronic acid fillers



Skin boosters

Medical-grade Cosmeceuticals

What We Offer

Hair Serum

With all of the stress and demands of contemporary living, combined with genetic, hormone shifts, environmental contaminants, and viral pandemics, there has been an increase in the number of cases (both men and women) of hair loss or thinning hair.


Our doctor meticulously evaluates each patient in order to determine the source of the hair loss, and an individualised programme is devised for you.


Treating the medical conditions to optimise immunity and balance hormone levels.

Micro-needling using specific cocktails to stimulate the hair follicle.

Home-care is prescribed so that the individual can further manage their conditions, optimising treatment outcomes.

What We Offer


Medical grade skincare

Injectable skin boosters

Rejuvenation of tissue

Skin boosters



Collagen boosters

Stretch Marks and Scars or Keloids

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